Ruby allows you to do every operation you can do from your Operating System user interface, or from a terminal. For example… You can rename a directory like this:"/tmp/a", "/tmp/b") You’ll also need to use FileUtils here because mv is not available on the Dir class. How to Change Your Current Directory

Fileutilsでcp、cp_rを実行する. rubyのFileUtilsでファイルやフォルダを コピーするメソッド は、UNIX/Linuxの コマンドラインで使用するコマンドと全く同じ です。 [FileUtilsのメソッド] @scottmacpherson Yes, also If you're using Bootsnap with Spring, it's the likely culprit:. Shopify/bootsnap#285. The problem is that Bootsnap is requiring fileutils explicitly from the ruby lib dir. How to Use The FileUtils Module There are some extra file handling utilities you can get access to within the FileUtils module. For example, you can compare files , touch a file (to update the last access & modification time ), or copy files & directories with cp_r . @muistooshort @zrl3dx how is a system call better than fileutils again? I'm on Windows and mkdir_p works just fine without spawning a subshell just to parse mkdir -p which would fail anyway. Glad that fileutils is the first alternative in the answer. – TWiStErRob Aug 10 '15 at 10:05

FileUtils. Namespace for several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. Installation. Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

# Installing Ruby library "mylib" under the site_ruby FileUtils. rm_r site_ruby + ' /mylib ', force: true FileUtils. cp_r ' lib/ ', site_ruby + ' /mylib ' # Examples of copying several files to target directory. FileUtils. Namespace for several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. Installation. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: Fileutilsでcp、cp_rを実行する. rubyのFileUtilsでファイルやフォルダを コピーするメソッド は、UNIX/Linuxの コマンドラインで使用するコマンドと全く同じ です。 [FileUtilsのメソッド]

Module : FileUtils - Ruby 2.4.1 . Copies a file system entry src to dest.If src is a directory, this method copies its contents recursively. This method preserves file types, c.f. symlink, directory…

# Installing Ruby library "mylib" under the site_ruby FileUtils. rm_r site_ruby + ' /mylib ', force: true FileUtils. cp_r ' lib/ ', site_ruby + ' /mylib ' # Examples of copying several files to target directory. FileUtils. Namespace for several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. Installation. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: Fileutilsでcp、cp_rを実行する. rubyのFileUtilsでファイルやフォルダを コピーするメソッド は、UNIX/Linuxの コマンドラインで使用するコマンドと全く同じ です。 [FileUtilsのメソッド] @scottmacpherson Yes, also If you're using Bootsnap with Spring, it's the likely culprit:. Shopify/bootsnap#285. The problem is that Bootsnap is requiring fileutils explicitly from the ruby lib dir. How to Use The FileUtils Module There are some extra file handling utilities you can get access to within the FileUtils module. For example, you can compare files , touch a file (to update the last access & modification time ), or copy files & directories with cp_r . @muistooshort @zrl3dx how is a system call better than fileutils again? I'm on Windows and mkdir_p works just fine without spawning a subshell just to parse mkdir -p which would fail anyway. Glad that fileutils is the first alternative in the answer. – TWiStErRob Aug 10 '15 at 10:05