Android. To configure an Android device to connect to the Client VPN, follow these steps: Navigate to Settings-> Wireless & Networks-> VPN; Click the Plus Icon to add an additional VPN profile; Name: This can be anything you want to name this connection, for example, "Work VPN.". Type: select L2TP/IPSEC PSK Server address: E nter the hostname (e.g. .com) or the active WAN IP (e.g. XXX.XXX.XXX).

How to Create OpenVPN Config for IOS Users - YouTube May 17, 2019 How To Set Up A VPN On iPhone 7 And iPhone 7 Plus Sep 10, 2016 VPN On Demand Rules - Apple Developer

How To Connect to a VPN on the iPhone 8 And iPhone 8 Plus

How to remove VPN from iPhone or iPad - Delete VPN app or Jul 16, 2020

Enter then tap Save. *Note: Advanced users and system administrators should enter in this field. Custom VPNs in the format of with /thecustomaddress appended should also be entered in this field, if applicable.

Sep 27, 2017