docker + ipv6 - V2EX

2019-8-23 · IPv6的link-local用来在一个二层链路中唯一标识一块网卡,并且可以在有限场景下在一个二层链路中用来通信。在DHCP(IPv4)协议下,DHCP Client在发起请求的时候,因为还没有IP地址,所以源IP只能是Unspecified Address(。 docker + ipv6 - V2EX 2019-4-10 · Docker will set up the bridge docker0 with the IPv6 link-local address fe80::1. By default, containers that are created will only get a link-local IPv6 address. To assign globally routable IPv6 addresses to your containers you have to specify an IPv6 subnet to pick RFC 7404 - Using Only Link-Local Addressing inside an IPv6 2020-7-5 · RFC 7404 Link-Local Only November 2014 2.1.The Approach In this approach, neither globally routed IPv6 addresses nor unique local addresses are configured on infrastructure links. In the absence of specific global or unique local address definitions, the default behavior of routers is to use link-local addresses, notably for routing protocols.

RFC 3927 - Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local …

IPv6 Link Local Address Explained | Dotcom-Monitor Tools … Interestingly, IPv6 Link Local Address has been actively utilized since its creation, its capabilities and functionality has only garnered attention throughout the last couple of years. Regardless of your interest or experience in computer networks and backend infrastructure, understanding the role and potential of this widely used network

解决getaddrinfo for ipv6 link local - ipv6 …

本文档提供的配置示例通过事先存在的 IPv4 网络建立 IPv6 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 和 IPv6 边界网关协议 (BGP) 网络和数据流隧道。利用该技术可通过现有的 IPv4 主干网连接 IPv6 站点。 IP Addressing - RouterOS - MikroTik Address prefix is always FE80::/64 and IPv6 router never forwards link-local traffic beyond the link. These addresses are comparable to the auto-configuration addresses of IPv4. A link-local address is also required for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery processes. 家里ipv6每个设备获得的都是动态的地址,如果单独 … 2020-7-5 · 你说的动态地址其实是Global Unicast Address。但每台开启IPv6的主机本身会有一个Link Local Address,也就是fe80开头那个,这个地址一般根据网卡MAC地址生成(EUI-64),是固定的,同一个二层可用这个地址相互通信。 IPV6的地址--ChinaUnix博客