It is necessary for several of our laptops to operate on both our own and customer-based networks. This often involves switching proxy settings, which we did via a custom proxy.pac file at first (after some help from you here).Now, one of the networks we use has their own proxy.pac that we must use which means that currently, we have to manually change our proxy.pac location for that network.

We are about to start using a proxy.pac file in our environment. It will be a very simple file with most traffic going to the proxy but a handfull of sites going direct (where they are hosted internally etc). Exclude URL with non-stanard port from Proxy via PAC/WPAD file. 0. browser, proxy.pac… What is a Proxy Pac file and are there any examples? - Cisco Jul 24, 2014 Proxy Auto-Config Files - Cisco Apr 07, 2011

Web Gateway: Hosting the proxy.pac/wpad.dat

pac_script In pac_script mode the proxy configuration is determined by a PAC script that is either retrieved from the URL specified in the proxy.PacScript object or taken literally from the data element specified in the proxy.PacScript object.

Jul 12, 2017

プロキシ自動設定(プロキシじどうせってい、proxy auto-config、略してPAC)ファイルは、ウェブブラウザやその他のユーザーエージェントが、与えられたURLを取得するための適切なプロキシサーバ(アクセスメソッド)を自動選択する方法を定義する。 Aug 02, 2018 · This article provides details on how the proxy configuration for an instantproxy.pac file gets merged to a VPN tunneling profile. Problem or Goal The PCS device is configured with a proxy.pac URL in the VPN connection profile and the client PC has a different proxy.pac URL configured in the browser.